Lovely Valley Truffles
Exclusive to the Fleurieu Peninsula region is Lovely Valley Truffles, located in Myponga, a one hour drive from Adelaide, South Australia. Join owners and Adelaide Hills Truffle Dogs on a unique and exclusive truffle hunt experience for the rare black truffle.
The owners started out truffle growing as a hobby, they hand-planted their first fifty trees at Lovely Valley Truffles in 2012, a mixture of English oak, French oak and hazelnut trees, their roots inocculated with French black truffle fungi. For the first two years the trees were hand-watered with rainwater, ten litres per tree, twice a week over summer. Allowed to grow naturally, the trees have climbed to a healthy three metres.
As interest in truffles – the black gold of cuisine- from the Fleurieu Peninsula grows, Lovely Valley Truffles are hosting truffle hunt tours in winter which you can also combine into a two night package with Heysens Rest Cabins which are located on the Lovely Valley Truffles property.
Contact: Zak
PHone: 0499 629 252

Truffle Hunt Tours
- Meet the owners.
- Enjoy the warmth of an open fire as they share their story on how they came to be truffle farmers and introduce you to truffle growing
- Meet Warren & Dean from Adelaide Hills Truffle Dogs and their amazing dogs, Gus & Ruby
- One hour in the paddock hunting for the rare & mystical black truffle
- Enjoy champagne and a light brunch whilst enjoying the taste and flavours of the black truffle that have been harvested on your tour.
- Learn about the washing and grading of the truffle
- Truffles available to purchase at market price